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Rev. Danny Odum joined White Oak Baptist Church in April of 2006 as Pastor. He previously served Calvary Baptist Church of Lilburn, Georgia as Associate Pastor. Rev. Odum and his wife, Paulette, have three adult children, five grand daughters, one grandson and one great-grand daughter. Pastor Danny is the youngest son of the late Rev. J. C. & Ina Odum who was Pastor of Long Avenue Baptist Church in Port St. Joe, Florida. Pastor Danny is Past-Moderator of the Gwinnett Metro Baptist Association of the Georgia Baptist Convention.

On Tuesday, May 23, 2017,"Ms. Ina", went to be with the Lord at the age of 102...just two months before her 103rd birthday. Resting in the arms of Jesus.

Pastor Danny Odum

Featured Southern Gospel Song

Featured Southern Gospel Song

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"God's Hall of Fame"
by Alf Hutchinson

Your name may not appear down here,

In this world's hall of fame;

You may be so unknown

Few even know your name

Fame and fortune pass you by

And are given to a few;

But if you love and derve the Lord

Then there is good news for you.

This Hall of Fame is only good
As long as time shall be;

But keep in mind, God's Hall of Fame 

Is for eternity!

To have your name inscribed up there

Is greater yes by far;

Than all the Halls of Fame down here

And every man made star.

This crowd on earth they soon forget

The heroes of the past;

They cheer like mad until you fall,

And that's how long you last.

But God he never does forget

And in His Hall of Fame;

By just believing in His Son,

Inscribed you'll find your name.

I tell you friend I wouldn't trade

My name however small;

That's written there beyond the stars

In that celestial hall.

For every famous name on earth

Or glory that they share;

I'd rather be an unknown here

And have my name up there.

Pastor Danny Odum 

"The will of God will never lead you where the grace of God cannot keep you!"

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