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Rev. Danny Odum joined White Oak Baptist Church in April of 2006 as Pastor. He previously served Calvary Baptist Church of Lilburn, Georgia as Associate Pastor. Rev. Odum and his wife, Paulette, have three adult children, five grand daughters, one grandson and one great-grand daughter. Pastor Danny is the youngest son of the late Rev. J. C. & Ina Odum who was Pastor of Long Avenue Baptist Church in Port St. Joe, Florida. Pastor Danny is Past-Moderator of the Gwinnett Metro Baptist Association of the Georgia Baptist Convention.

On Tuesday, May 23, 2017,"Ms. Ina", went to be with the Lord at the age of 102...just two months before her 103rd birthday. Resting in the arms of Jesus.

Our Church History

                                                                                     Updated March 2017

Given the rich heritage of White Oak Baptist Church, you may wish to know more about us. Below is a compilation that was originally assembled by our History Committee quite a few years ago. A special thanks goes to Charlotte Holder and Shirley Bennett for their many hours of research to capture our history. As you read this, you may have questions, comments or additional information pertaining to our church history.  We try to keep it updated. Take a visit to our past...then come visit us in person to see what God is doing at White Oak. You can respond to the e-mail link for any questions or comments.       

Pastor Danny

White Oak Baptist Church was formed in the winter of 1974 and incorporated in 1975.  The campus today consists of the original church building which was constructed beginning March 14, 1976 and completed in August 1976.  The first service held in this building was August 29, 1976.  There are few changes to the main church building with the exception of the steeple which was added in memory of Becky Holloman who passed away in September 1994.  The basement of the original building was remodeled in 1989 to include an office for the Minister of Music, an office for the Youth Minister, a media center, a choir room, two Sunday-School classrooms, and a space for fellowship or other meetings.


Family Life Center   In 1987, construction began on an Educational/Activities building.  The building was dedicated on September 10, 1989.  This building is now called the Family Life Center and serves as the location for covered dish meals, Brotherhood breakfasts, banquets, meetings, youth activities, various summer day camps, and youth and co-ed young adult Sunday-School classrooms.  On January 17, 2009 White Oak's first contemporary praise and worship service, "Heartwood", was held in the Family Life Center.


The Tree House is a modular building on our campus that has served many functions.  It started out as four classrooms that were used for children's Bible study on Sundays and children's mission programs on Wednesdays.  Later the internal walls were removed and it was used for children and youth functions.  It now houses the LEAP Dancers.


White Oak's Pastoral Staff since beginning in 1974 are as follows:  Founder - Dr. David B. Tew (1974-1984); Walter Gilbert, Interim (1985); Dr. J. Calvin Webb (1985-1998); William Long, Interim (1998); Reverend Alan D. Hall (1998 - 2004); Dr. Mark Sterling, Interim (2004-2006).  God sent our current pastor, Reverend Danny H. Odum,  to us on April 15, 2006.  On Sunday, April 17, 2016 we celebrated Pastor Danny's 10th anniversary with friends and family.  We hope he will be here to lead us for many years to come.


White Oak has had the following Ministers of Music: Theron Miller, Richard Sissom, Herman Fox, Greg Doss (1987-1996) and Steve Hearn (1996-2011).  In 2013 Traci Brannan and Betty Aytes started leading our music program. They both resigned in March of 2019.


Greg Doss served as Pianist from 1981-1987.  Jeanette McClung was pianist from 1988 until 2007.  Jeanette left for a few months during which time Jeni Cook served as interim. Jeanette returned as pianist October 1998. Jeanette retired in 2007.  Patsy Gaffney joined the music staff of White Oak in 2007 and served until 2009.  In 2009 Betty Aytes started as pianist. Betty retired in March of 2019.  Currently Andrew Hughes is serving as Pianist.


Organists for White Oak have been Neta Miller, Billy Porter, Becky Higgins (1990-1993) and Ginger Hearn (1994-2010).  Ginger was involved with our music ministry for over fifteen years and was always available to play the organ or piano.


Youth Ministers have included Skeeter Thompson, Sandy Sigmon (1984-1986), Mike Griffin, Kathryn Langston (1988-1993), Christopher Webb (1994-1997); Tom Waggoner (1997); Jay Hackett (1999-2004),  Adam Webb (2004-2005) and Kristin Kell (2009-2012).  Others who have served White Oak youth as interim directors are Brenda and Bill Eaton and Kristen and Duke Burnette. 

Ministry Assistant   Janice Webb has served in this position since October 1, 2003.


White Oak's current Deacon Body is Chairman Bill Eaton, Travis Blalock and Ray Northcutt.


White Oak is located in a community - and this community is our focus.  On Martin Nash Road in Lilburn, we are blessed to be a "lighthouse on the hill" to minister to our community.  We have sponsored community wide activities - such as picnics, Easter egg hunts, Fall Festival activities, Vacation Bible Schools, cub scouts and boy scouts, - just to mention a few.  We also adopted Martin Nash Road through Gwinnett County's Adopt-a-Road program instituted to help keep our neighborhood free of litter and debris.    God's divine plan put us in this location for this time.  He says, "Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest." Matt. 11:28. White Oak desires to provide that love and encouragement to OUR community.


Under the leadership of Pastor Danny Odum, White Oak is reaching out with a wide range of worship services, ministries and activities in which to participate.  White Oak offers in our Sunday worship services a traditional approach to worship blended with praise and worship choruses and songs.  Our Sunday morning services begin with Sunday-School at 9:45 am, worship begins at 10:45 am and evening worship begins at 6:00 pm. Currently (2020) Sunday School and evening worship are suspended.  


Children's Church   for grades 1 - 5 is held downstairs in the main building.  In Children's Church, the kids learn Bible verses, Bible principles, sing, and crafts.


Little Acorns  is our preschool ministry for babies, preschool, and kindergarten, focusing on Biblical instruction for the little ones.  Lindsey Wood presently directs our Preschool Department.


Prime Timers  White Oak's Senior Adult Ministry is focused on our seniors age 50 and over.  Ann Smith, assisted by Brenda Eaton, was the first director of the senior ministry.  They called the group the "Young at Heart Club".  It is now called the "Prime Timers".   Frances Harman coordinated this program for White Oak from 1999 to 2009.  She then turned the reins over to Brenda Eaton .  The "Prime Timers" enjoy monthly birthday celebrations, planned day trips and one or two night get-aways.  A yearly favorite is the fall foliage outing to Fryemont Inn in Bryson City, North Carolina.  Who ever said that life after retirement slows down?


Tuesday Morning Bible Study (co-ed) was facilitated by Ginger Hearn from 2003 until 2012.  Studies by Beth Moore, Mark Sterling, Adrian Rodgers, and David Jeremiah have been taught. These Bible studies are featured in the spring and fall.


The Women's Ministry, "Blessing Hands", is currently under the direction of Ada Kane. In the past they have prepared and packaged lunches and made blankets to distribute to the needy of our area.  At Christmas time they collect toys donated by our members to be given to needy children. They continue to search for ministry opportunities as they study the word of God.  They also have off campus followships.


The Men's Ministry, "ISI" Includes the Brotherhood of White Oak.  The men enjoy prayer breakfasts; Men's Night Out and our annual deep sea fishing trips to Florida  which lead to church and community wide Fish Fries.  Building strong leadership in Christian men is the focus of this ministry, along with spiritual development, fellowship, and missions.


The Leap Dancers   "Rejoice in that day and leap for joy!  For indeed your reward is great in heaven." Luke 6:23.  White Oak is home for the LEAP Dancers Ministry under the direction of professional dancer and instructor, Debbie Ellis.  A schedule of times, ages and registration information may be seen on White Oak's web site at  White Oak has enjoyed performances by Debbie and the dancers at Christmas, Easter and on other special occasions since 2006.


In the past White Oak was proud to charter and sponsor  - Boy Scout Troop 508 - young boys preparing to be young men.  As part of our commitment to the community we also sponsored Cub Scout Pack 508 and Venturing Crew #508.


In 2008 and 2009 White Oak served as the site location for the Brookwood Christian Academy home school program for children grades 1 through 6.


(Aug. 2015) In the past ten years White Oak has baptized 76 people and added 167 new members.  Of course, not all of these people are still local and active.  As of July 2015 our records show a total membership of 436.  Through the past 40 years, we have seen many families move away from either job changes, residential changes, or relocation to other churches.  It doesn't matter where God's people are physically - spiritually we are all one family.  That is why many lasting relationships have formed over the years; why we still have "Homecoming"  at White Oak every year on the second Sunday in November.  At White Oak, you're always "Welcome Home".  White Oak is a "great place to put down roots".      

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1352 Martin Nash Road | Lilburn, GA 30047 | PH: 770-972-8427